

心理学 is the study of the mind and behavior. The discipline embraces all aspects of the human experience. Psychologists traditionally treat patients with mental and emotional problems, but they also serve as scientists researching the phenomenon of human (and non-human) behavior. They study how human beings relate not only to each other but also to their surroundings, they work to improve these relationships. 特别是, they concentrate on behaviors that affect the mental and emotional health and mental functioning of healthy human beings. These health professionals can work in a variety of settings, 包括医院, 私人诊所, 学校, 大公司, community health organizations.

(来源: 探索 健康 Careers - Psychologist)

The field of applied psychology includes several sub-specialties such as clinical and counseling, 婚姻与家庭, 药物滥用, 发展和行为, 教育与职业, 取证, 金融, 和研究.

One of fastest growing professions is Sport & 性能心理学. Performance psychologists help athletes, 艺术家, business leaders overcome psychological problems to enhance their performance and achieve their goals. Individuals and groups might consult performance psychologists if they become anxious or lose focus during competition, have trouble communicating with teammates or colleagues, 控制他们的脾气, 或者只是激励自己. Performance psychologists also teach individuals to use various mental strategies, 比如可视化, self-talk and relaxation techniques. These professionals can help individuals at all levels deal with pressure from parents, 教练, 监事, 甚至是他们自己的期望. Youth organizations may hire performance psychologists to educate 教练 and teachers about promoting healthy self-esteem in participants.

Regardless of your desired specialty, advanced degrees in counseling or psychology are often required to gain 竞争激烈的就业 在这个领域.

(来源: American Psychological Association)

考虑U (I B.A. 或B.S. 在心理学中 或者是 研究生学位 with the College of Letters, 艺术, Social Sciences.

Students in the Pre-Applied心理学 cohort of the 学前健康专业课程 will work with their primary academic advisors and faculty members to complete the requirements of their degrees, while also working with the 学前健康专业顾问 to explore career and postgraduate opportunities related to this field and become successful applicants.



Idaho Student Union Building, 3rd floor




电子邮件: pre-health@ngskmc-eis.net